How to book a class with us

Step 1

Have a look at our classes and find the right one for your child’s age.

Step 2

Have a look at our schedule and find one the venue and time that works for you.

Step 3

Book a trial here.

You will have to create an account. Please note that your child’s place isn’t secured until you have paid for the trial.

Step 4

On the day of the trial, arrive 5 minutes before the beginning of class. The teacher will collect you at the door. Please ensure you’re in the correct venue/door.

Your child DOES NOT need a uniform on the first day. Leggings, t-shirt and bare feet work just fine.

Step 5

After your trial you will receive an email to book for the rest of the term. If you decide to do so, please ensure you get correct uniform for the class.

Your child’s place is reserved for 1 week after the end of the trial.

Office Hours

10am – 2pm Weekdays

0787 068 5596